Nikah artinya disatukan, yang disatukan itu HATI-nya, karena hati seorang wanita dan laki-laki itu sama. Yang berbeza itu manusianya - ada laki-laki dan ada peremuan. Baik laki-laki/perempuan, sama-sama dijadikan Allah.
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hakekat nikah |
Manusia dari kedua Ibu-Bapak, hatinya langsung ditiupkan Allah ke dalam janin dalam rahim seorang WANITA , pada usia 4 bulan 10 hari. Yang ditiupkan itu bernama RUH - wujudnya adalah sebuah KEBENARAN.
Kebenaran itu terasa ada pada setiap manusia, karena Allah memberikan NIKMAT-RASA-ZAT. Dengan RASA itu dapat kita merasakan sesuatu yang indah bila kita dapat memeliharanya dengan baik. Maka, untuk mewujudkannya perlu peran agama; Undang-Undang Perkawinan HANYA MENGATUR.
Akad-Nikah artinya JANJI NIKAH; artinya seorang LAKI-LAKI akan menjadikan seorang wanita menjadi ISTRINYA; BERJANJI Kepada ALLAH dan RASULNYA guna memeliharanya dengan baik; bukan saja hidup yang layak di dunia, akan tetapi juga akhirat guna menjadikan insan yang bertaqwa kepada Allah SWT.
Karena itu SHALATlah yang DAPAT mencipta suasana tersebut:
Tujuan Nikah:
Dengan demikian tercapailah kehidupan rumah tangga rukun-damai-sejahtera- bahagia-selamat dunia-akhirat.
Versi Bahasa Inggris:
Marriage means that you are in unity, what is being united are the HEARTS, because the hearts of a woman and a man are all alike. The difference is only in their being - namely a man and a woman. Both men and women are created by God.
The human being was created by both their mother and father, whilst their HEARTS originated from God, were breathed into the womb of a WOMAN in their 4 months and 10 days gestation. What is breathed into is called the SOUL - having the form of RIGHTFULNESS.
Such rightfulness can be felt by each mankind, because Allah provided the SUBSTANCE and SENSE of GOODNESS. With such SENSE, we can then feel the beauty of things provided that we are able to take good care of it. To implement it, religion will therefore play an essential role; the Law of Marriage only serves to REGULATE things.
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Marriage vows is A PLEDGE OF MATRIMONY; which means that a MAN who will make a woman his wedded WIFE, promises UPON GOD and HIS MESSENGER to guard her; not only to live a decent life in this world, but also in the hereafter and to be devoted to God.
Therefore, ONLY SHALAT can create such a situation.
The Objectives of a Marriage:
The harmonious - peaceful - blissful - prosperous domestic life, both for the present and hereafter, can therefore be achieved.
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